The exam is written and evaluated world-wide under uniform standards. Start Deutsch 2. Run by Goethe-Institut and TELC. The test is equivalent to the Common European Framework for Languages level A2 (see above). As with Start Deutsch 1, the exam is written and evaluated world-wide under uniform standards. Zertifikat Deutsch (ZD). My Start Deutsch A1 Exam Result. You have the option to have your Start Deutsch A1 Certificate delivered to your home. They will use a local courier to deliver it.
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According to CEFR (CommonEuropean Framework of Reference forLanguages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment) put together by the Council ofEurope, A1 level is the breakthrough level. The Framework describes what a learner can actually do with the learned language in reading,listening, speaking and writing at each level. CEFR shares many similaritieswith the US developed ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines, thereby providing asubstantive and comparative dialogue about language learning and assessmentinternationally.
German A1 level
A1 levelfor eachlanguage assumes that the learner can understand and use familiar, everydayexpressions and very basic phrases. He/she can introduce him/herself and othersand can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/shelives, people he/she knows and things he/she has. The learner can interact in asimple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is preparedto help.
The level is divided into twocourses: A1.1 and A1.2. The total amount of teaching/learning hours is around120-160 school hours.
People from all over the worldlearn German as a foreign language. The advantage of learning German languagein Germany is in the integration process: many people coming from differentcultures and speaking areas and attend the classes together, usually in a group of15 people, and are forced to use the target language since the mother tongue ora media language in the process of teaching is never used. People like tocommunicate and make friends and become more and more motivated once they startnoticing their own progress in learning.
Main Themes in German Coursebooks for Beginners
The main themes in coursebooks for beginners (A1) are greetings, the world and its diversities in nations and languages, food, people and every day basic communication, numbers and counting, cities, villages, means of transportation, family, hobbies, vacations, sightseeing, restaurants and shopping, hotels, clothes and fashion, work and occupations.
Grammar in a Beginner's Level
Start Deutsch A1
The grammar integrated in the content in German A1 level (A1.1 and A1.2), assumes the learning of the German alphabet, sentence stress, long and short vowels, question words (where, where to, where from, how long, how much, who, who to, who from, what…), auxiliary verbs to be and to have, conjugation of verbs in present and past tense, separable verbs (German: trennbare Verben) and modal verbs, the imperative mode with sie (formal), nouns, the definite and indefinite articles, singular/plural, negation, adjectives, comparation of adjectives, possessive adjectives, personal pronouns, prepositions, nominative, accusative and dative case.
Teaching German tips!
The methodology of teaching a foreing language without the use of the mother tongue or a media language can be pretty demanding but the CEFR principles encourage learner-centered, task-based approaches to the teaching and learning of foreign languages which makes teaching much easier. Every teacher should use his/her creativity in making interesting games and exercises for adult learners. Learning includes a lot of repeating so these didactic games are very useful for building and using knowledge. Next to usual teaching materials (coursebook, workbook, audio Cds, chalk or whiteboard markers) the teacher should use the world map and the map of the country the language of which is being taught, pictures (for easier acquirement of vocabulary), home-made cards with grammar references and anything else the teacher finds to be useful teaching material.
How to use alternative teaching materials:
- When you want to divide peopleinto groups use coloured cards and offer them to all the participants. If youwant a group of four you'll need four different coloured cards. People with thesame colour belong into the same group. To make groups of two people for pairwork you can use children's memory cards.
- When teaching numbers, you canuse a piece of blank paper (landscapepage setup) and write down numbers. On another piece of paper (of anothercolor if possible) write down numbers in letters and cut them out inrectangular form. Give the papers to students to put the numbers in lettersunder the corresponding numbers.
- You can do the same when teachingdefinite and indefinite articles. On a piece of paper (landscape page setup) write down nouns and on another paper definiteor indefinite articles or both and then cut them out in rectangular forms andask the students to put the corresponding articles to the nouns.
- Take a few dice (with numbers1-6) and 6 little papers. On one side you write down a number and on the otherside what you expect the students to know. For example: 'Conjugate the verb to be' or '2nd person plural for live/wohnen' etc. Each member of the grouprolls the dice and takes the card with the corresponding number. The cards areset on the table face down. He/she turns the card and solves the given tasks,the other members confirm or correct. If the person is mistaken then he/sherolls the dice again.
- Let students play the snake game!
What do you need for the snake game?
Material: paperboard, dice and tokens.
Draw a snake on a piece of paper, in onecorner make the tail, diagonally on the other side the head and fill the paperwith circles one next to the other making the body of the snake. Make the head thestarting GO space and the tail the ending FINISH space. Use three colours tocolour the snake, for example red, blue and yellow and colour the circles. Thered field is the pausing space (three to four fields), the blue field (everyfourth field) makes you go two steps back and the yellow field is the fieldwith a task.
On the sideyou need hand-made cards with written tasks or questions, for example, 'Whichis the opposite adjective to old?'(German: alt ≠ jung) 'When do we use the verb to be in the past tense (in German, Italian etc.[in German: withverbs expressing movement from point A to point B, with the verbs to be and stay, with the verbs expressing the change in status or condition])','Explain the difference between canand know (German: können and kennen),etc.
How to play?
Roll the diceto see who goes first. The player with the highest number on the initial rollwill start the game.
Starting fromthe GO space, each player on his or her turn will roll the dice and advancethat number of spaces.
Take theaction required by the space you have landed on.
If you land onthe yellow space take one card from the top of the pile and solve the task oranswer the question. If you succeed, you stay where you landed until it's yourturn again, and if you fail, you go back to where you were before landing onthis last space.
Who reachesthe FINISH space first is the winner.
Learning German tips!
Start Deutsch A2
- When German grammar is concerned, the most important for a learner at the beginner's level is to learn the articles together with the nouns because there are only a few common rules about their usage and the rest is pure 'coincidence'. Usually, at the end of a coursebook there is an alphabetical word list, of course without translation. It is recommended that you write down the translation next to the words using the dictionary book or online dictionary in your mother tongue. Then mark all the nouns with fluorescent markers in three different colors depending on the grammatical gender (masculine, feminine and neuter). If you have time and frequently use the computer write them down separately in tables – this is a lot of work, but it's done during a longer period of time and it's very effective in memorizing genders.
- Take the audio CDs that you got with your coursebook and listen to them repeatedly while you are doing housework, cooking or routine work in your home. Usually people never listen to these (not even once) but you will be surprised how much of it spontaneously impresses into your mind. Listening is a very important part in language learning because one fourth of your A1 exam includes understanding based on listening.
- Find extra learning material like books with grammar exercises and little handbooks or pocketbooks with a simple and interesting plot corresponding to A1 level. These little books are specifically made to facilitate language learning and to help you determine what you've learned. Inside you can find also some grammar exercises and questions concerning the text with answers at the end so that you can check whether you've understood well what you've read. But remember, find the time at home for homework, grammar exercises and use the time in school (course) to speak as much as you can.
- If you spend a lot of time surfing on the net and you like to chat with people, find a penfriend in Germany (or elsewhere) and use German (or the language you're learning) to communicate with a native speaker. Don't worry because you're a beginner – Google will provide you with a number of dictionaries you can use like for example, EUdict, The Free Dictionary, LEO English-German dictionary and many others.
- If you have the opportunity to get DVDs showing original German films with subtitles or American films/films synchronized to German but with the subtitle in your native language, be sure to use it! Reading and listening at the same time is a very efficient way to acquire a language.
The A1 exam for German language
The exam German A1/Deutsch A1(Start Deutsch A1) is based on the joint work of two institutions: the GoetheInstitute and telc Gmbh. It's divided into four parts/tests:
Start Deutsch 1 Sprechen
(1) Listening [20 minutes]: here you've gotthree parts with 15 tasks;
(2) and (3) Readingand writing [45 minutes – cca. 25 minutes for reading and cca. 20 minutesfor writing]. The reading test has three parts (15 tasks). Based on what you'veread you need to mark the statements following the text as true or false or choosebetween statements a and b. The writing test has two parts; inthe first part you'll read a short text on the basis of which you are asked toprovide certain information by filling in 5 blank spaces in an application form(usually of a travelling agency). The second part assumes writing a letter to afriend or a formal letter to a tourist or travelling agency, hotel etc. basedon three guidelines. You are asked to write down approximately six sentences (2sentences for each guideline, circa 30 words),
(4) Speaking [cca. 15 minutes].
This test is divided into three parts. In the first part you are asked to presentyourself providing information about your name, age, country where you comefrom, place where you live, languages that you speak, your occupation andhobbies. In the second part you are invited to speak with your partner (otherstudent taking the exam), that is to ask and give information on certaintopics. The teacher/examiner offers cards with face down and the student takes onecard and reads the written word, for example, newspapers (German: Zeitung). This student has to ask two-threequestions based on this word and the other student has to give answers:
Start Deutsch A1 Test
A: Lesen Sie oft Zeitung? (Do youoften read newspapers?)
B: Ja, ich lese oft Zeitung.Jeden tag kaufe ich Die Welt und Frankfurter Rundschau. (Yes, I oftenread newspapers. Every day I buy DieWelt/The World and Frankfurter Rundschau.)
A: Haben Sie heute Die Welt gekauft? (Have you bought Die Welt today?)
B: Nein, ich habe gestern Die Welt gekauft. (No, I bought Die Welt yesterday.)
Each student takes turn twiceand then you've got the third part in which you are offered cards with pictureson the basis of which the students are asked to formulate questions andanswers.
- Learn German Online: common nouns, grammar articles and gender [ der, die, das]
The article explains the rules to determine the gender of German nouns. Ideal for beginners and advanced German language learners! - Foreign language teaching methods
The field of linguistics and teaching in the 20th century is marked by the development of different foreign language teaching methods and approaches. Some have no or small following and others are widely used.
love german language
I'm gonna take the german A1 exam this month i can get married to my german spouse :) I'm so nervous about everything ...I've been reading so many things online which is very confusing ...I've seen the sample test kinda look difficult to me ..I hate failure ...I will take it hard if I failed which isn't an option for me...I'm Jamaican... I write english better than how I speak it ...I actually sound better speaking 'Deutsch' than my own language :( the point is i really need some tips from an experience person that did the A1 level!!!!!!!!!
hallo! mein name ist Abdul-Rafik, ich komme aus Ghana und ich bin lerne deutsch in Ghana hier. Please i need your urgent help, i will be writing the A1 exams on Monday 10th and i will appreciate it much if you could send me some sample questions and answers for me go through especially the with essay. My email address:
I'm currently on vacation now here in Germany, and i enrolld myself for A1 COURSE basic German.. Im looking for somebody who can be my buddy for learning german.. pls add my facebook acount Lhec Shka
Vielen Dank....
I like to use cards with words on to divide groups into pairs. For example - they have to find the matching infinitive/past participle.
Hi i want to information about A1 level course bcz my hubby is in london and i have to go for spouse visa but uk embassies require A1 level as a proof for visa.but i haven't any book or idea for preparing that course plz help me.when i preparing a1 level course which language i should use for test in lahore pakistan bcz i m confused nd is use only german language or other english ?i prefer only english language bcz i want to go uk only with regards.
ich bin student .ich lebe in Pakistan in Rabwah .ich lerne deutsch jetzt .ich bin ledig. ich gebe deutsch prufing . bitte betten sie fur mir danke ich arbiete buch geschaft . aufweidersehen .
I have a question regarding what happens after you finish A1.2. Do you get a mark on the A1.2 exam and then you move on to A.2.1? What if you are better than A.2.1? Does the test verify this also?
great hub. Im still on the process of learning german language on my own. I just want to know if, Is it one of the requirement (A1 certificate, others) to work in germany right now?
I am studying German and just got back from several months in Berlin at a language school. I really enjoyed it and made some great friend from all around the world. I learned much as a complete beginner but one topic I had some difficulty with was with trennbare verbs and modal verbs. Are there any good textbooks I can purchase that is easy to comprehend? Thanks!
Hi ,
Thanks for your Hub..i have to give German A1 exam in 15 days..I am very tensed regarding letter wrirting..Thanks for your explanation on the paper. :) nad also any suggestions on letter writing ?? :) that would help me the most..
is it difficuult to pass the A1 cuz am alittle scared
please can some one help me out , have finish my A1.1
And i want to do my test. but then i was ask to go for A1.2 BEFORE THE TEST and the price am payine for one modle which is A1.1 is too much . so i decided to do the test . hope with this first class i can still pass my test.
i am doing my A2 at Goethe Zentrum in Windhoek-Namibia .my question is ,what type of question does they ask at the Germany Embassy for the permanent resident visa? please someone help me.Danke
ich bin deutsch wohne jetzt aber in mexico und moechte dort ein wenig deutsch unterrichten.. deshalb benoetige ich ein textbuch fuer anfeanger kann aber keines finden. Koennen sie mir weiterhelfen?
Great Artikel. For me as a German living abroad its nice to see that there is actually an interest in speaking 'my' language. Most people choose Spanish or Franch. I am happy and hope that one day of the clichee German is well in the past :) We are modern and openminded and also quite multi-culti ;)
Hi, I am currently studying to take the German A1 test, but I am having a hard time finding where I can actually take the test. I am from the greater Seattle area, and really want to pass the test before I leave. Any advice?
Hello dear
i started studying Germany language, and i have exam 02/09
to get certificate on level A1 and get the visa
i need help to solve the question in ending book
Hello everyone.
I've recently started living in germany and want to start learning the language asap. Problem is that in my area there only seems to be an A1.2 course available. I haven't done A1.1 yet. My question: is the A1.1 very necessary or can I skip it and go onto the A1.2 since I am now a bit more familiar with the language. Thanks a lot for your help! :)
nice hub ll help me to learn german ..but still I would like to add u on face book if u wont mind ..
m staying in germany ..wan know more about languge
Hallo! Ich bin ein Schweizer!! Ich wohne in Kenya jetz. German ist ein sehr gut. Its a very helpful language, I mean its spoken in many countries. Like here in Kenya many locals speak it fluently. They speak it better than english. And piece of advice, dont think that German is such an easy language, it may be easy at first but it tends to get harder!!! I've been speaking German my whole life!! Since I could talk! and I still make mistakes!! But if you really want to learn it you've got to pour your heart and soul into the language!!! Auf wiedersehn!! Gut glück!! :-xoxo
hi, thanks for the informations on A1 level exam. My hubby has got an onsite opportunity to german for a period of six months and i heard that if i wanna accompany him i have to get my A1 level certification in german it would be great if u could tell me if its true.. thanks in advance
Speak Russian is like learn language of any country. There is not habit but this is dedication to him.
Thanks for blog.
Ich lebe in Deutschland jetzt und lerne Deutsch seit dem Februar. Ich bin an A2 nivelliert jetzt und hat Studium zu B2 Höhe vor. Dieser Artikel war sehr gut - vielen Dank! Ich komme aus Irland.
Great hub, vox vocis! I'm currently doing French and German at A2 Level (so I did my AS Levels last year) but this is still a very useful hub. I love languages and can't wait to try out these tips. I definitely recommend watching German DVDs, even if you use the subtitles - it helps you get used to the sound, speed and prosodic features of the language. Vielen Dank! :) Daniella