To install a SSL Web Server certificate on Citrix 1.12/2.0 for Solaris, perform the following steps: Download the Thawte Intermediate CA for SSL Web Server certificate: Download the Thawte Intermediate CA for SSL Web Server certificates: AR1384.
- What Is Citrix
- Install Ssl Certificate Windows
- Install Ssl Certificate Citrix Web Interface Server Download
- Microsoft Ssl Certificates
- Ssl Cert Installation
- What Is Citrix Web Interface
- SSL Certificates for Citrix. Unified Communication Certificate (UCC): UC Certificates are an efficient way to secure and manage multiple domain names under one SSL Certificate. Even through these multi-domain SSL certificates are not server-specific, they are commonly deployed over Microsoft Exchange and IIS web servers.
- How to Install an SSL/TLS Certificate In Citrix Secure Server The following instructions will guide you through the SSL installation process on Citrix Secure Server. If you have more than one server or device, you will need to install the certificate on each server or device you need to secure.
What Is Citrix
Install Ssl Certificate Windows
We have a problem with a specific website which our staff need to access via Internet Explorer on our Citrix server (running Win2K3).
When connecting via SSL (a requirement), the site is inaccessible because the certificate issuer's certificate is not in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities.
If I manually import the certificate chain (exported my PC), it works, but I'd rather not do that for each user: Is there a way I can import the certificate for all users?
I found this MS KB article which details importing certificates in to the Local Computer store to resolve a different issue; would that apply here?
2 Answers
Importing the certificate into the machine's Trusted Root Certificate store will resolve your issue. It's not necessary for the CA to be trusted by each user. If the machine trusts the CA then the users will 'inherit' that trust automatically.
The procedure in that KB article is basically correct. Be sure to choose the computer when adding the Certificates snap-in and the 'Trusted Root Certificate Authorities' when choosing the store to place the certificate into.
Evan AndersonEvan AndersonWhy not deploy the certificate via Group Policy? This link can guide you on how to do this.